As a professional photographer, I understand how precious this time is for newborn parents..
Unfortunately, the time goes so quickly as newborn portraits are created within the first few weeks of birth (generally 3-12 days old).
With social distancing, lock downs, and general safety, many families are missing out on this once in a lifetime moment to capture professional images..
I have decided to offer my services through ONE-ON-ONE VIDEO CONFERENCE INSTRUCTION with families anywhere in the US to help them capture the best possible images at home with what they have to work with. (For babies born during this lockdown phase.)
While this is not training for, or to create professional photographers, it is training to individually work with each family directly as a specialized newborn photographer, help them find what they can use readily available, create from what they have, and photograph the best possible imagery to capture this stage of their babies life.
I am also offering editing/retouching and creation of products if requested. Please direct message me, email, or connect through my website for more information. And please share with any
#newbornparents you know would be interested! Photographic Designs is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thank you!